Launch of the Newspace Factory Newsletter
The Word from Aerospace Valley President, Yann BARBAUX

Aerospace Valley is Europe’s largest aerospace cluster and we are passionate about the space market evolution. Our territory, also known as the European Space Capital, is home to the champions of the European space scene. More than 100 space sector players are members of our cluster, including companies, universities and laboratories. Together they are now faced with the globalization of the space market. The objective of the Newspace Factory action is to support this challenge. Initiated by Aerospace Valley, Newspace Factory creates a virtuous link between the technical heritage of our member companies and the ambitions of new entrepreneurs. To stimulate this link we provide access to our member’s technologies but also to our unique know-how in space projects management. Our goal is to do business, but most of all to amplify the emergence of a reliable space economy, for the benefit of all citizens.
In creating this newsletter, our goal is to facilitate access to the French space industry, including companies, equipment, technologies, market analysis… This letter begins with our understanding of the current economic trends and continues with the presentation of the recent activity of the companies which are members of Newspace Factory. You can also discovers more on
I hope you will enjoy reading this 1rst edition as much as I do, and that you will become an addict and ardent follower!
Spacely yours
Vision of the Newspace market, from Grégory Pradels

The space segment market has long been structured by a HIGH TECH – LOW VOLUME dynamic serving ever more challenging missions. This obsession with incremental innovation has resulted in prices and delays that have become too important. This has left room for new entrants who, working not only on the product but on the way to manufacture it, have made it possible to react more competitively to average market demand (LOW COST – HIGH VOLUME).
Thus SpaceX for launchers, OneWeb for satellites have become the leaders of a new market with dozens of actors today. Also, we are seeing on the market the emergence of new users such as universities and laboratories who, thanks to the cubesat technology, are starting to manufacture their own satellites. The use of technologies is evolving with them, because these users do not seek to create operational missions but to attract the best students and researchers, in order to improve their own activity. This is a break in the market, using new technologies to meet a new demand (NEW TECH – COMMUNITY).

Facing these progresses, the challenge for our industry is to move from the HIGH TECH dynamic where it has a great legacy thanks to 50 years of R & D, to the LOW COST and NEW TECH dynamic, promised to a strong growth driver. Above all, it is an issue of industrial organization that the Aerospace Valley cluster, with the help of the French Occitanie region, is boosting through the Newspace Factory collective action. 10 complementary SMEs are working together to export, offering French technological heritage through reliable products (lifetime> 5 years) and industrial capacity outside standards (+250 space missions realized). Meetings with Boeing, Lockheed Martin, SSL, OHB but also Blue Origin, Virgin Orbit, SpaceTy, LeoLabs, etc. confirmed the relevance of their proposal. Indeed, the challenge for constellation projects is to move very quickly from the demonstration stage into orbit to the operational stage. It is precisely at this point that the Space Enablers of Newspace Factory step in. They have already been selected by OneWeb, Irridium, Kineis, Pleiades NEO. And the market to conquer is very big.
In addition to the business dimension, the Newspace Factory action also proves to be a great tool for discussion between SMEs, allowing them to better position themselves together in the value chain and build the French industrial ecosystem of tomorrow. The Aerospace Valley cluster, with all its regional and national partners, will continue to support this dynamic.
Stay connected to follow the adventures of these French Space Enablers…