COMAT selected by AIRBUS (OneSat platform) and HEMERIA (KINEIS constellation) as equipment provider
Freshly, COMAT signed 2 major contracts regarding to its development: Within the scope of the OneSat satellite product line, Comat was selected by Airbus for the industrialization, manufacturing, integration, and acceptance test of a deployment and pointing sub-system key mechanism, to support the development of these new generation satellites. The frame contract order signed covers several years and represents dozens of this equipment.

Photo: courtesy of AIRBUS DS
In frame of KINEIS constellation, HEMERIA has selected Comat for reaction wheels providing. For this contract, COMAT will deliver more than 100 RW40 reaction wheels as of 2022.

Currently, with CNES support, COMAT develops 2 main products for respectively its TELECOM Business Line and its Smallsat one:
Mechanical pump for thermal control of telecommunication satellite. Our “pump” products will be compliant with single and two phases thermal loop. Comat will finalize derisking activities and will define pump detailed design in 2022. Life test duration and qualification campaign will be performed in 2023-2024 and first flight model are planned to be available in 2025.
- a Solar Array pointing Mechanism for Smallsat (200W). Life test duration and qualification campaign will be performed in 2022 and first flight model are planned to be available during the year 2023.
In frame of national “Plan de Relance”, French government supports Comat on 2 major items:
- Industrialization and qualification of laser welding process for RF part manufacturing. A first application is the waveguide manufacturing.
- Definition and preliminary development of building blocks for deployable structures with a focus on deployable reflector and deployable boom.

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